Your Body Starts To Shiver For No Mere Mortal Can Resist The Evil Of The Thriller Click here to print Michael Jackson Thriller Lyrics Rate this song:
Jackson Michael Thriller Thriller ----- It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark Under the moonlight
michael jackson thriller song lyrics
you see a sight that almost stops your heart .
Lyrics to song Thriller by Michael Jackson:It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the.
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart You try to scream but terror takes the sound .
Thriller Songtext von Michael Jackson mit Lyrics, deutscher �bersetzung, Musik-Videos, Liedtexten und Zitaten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com
You can enlarge thriller lyrics for easy viewing, send thriller lyrics to your friends or rate the song thriller by michael jackson and help the song become popular.
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MICHAEL JACKSON Lyrics - A selection of 241 Michael Jackson lyrics including Thriller, Smooth Criminal, Human Nature, Will You Be There, Dirty Diana .
It's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking in the dark Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart You try to scream, but ter.
Verwandte Lyrics von Thriller (Langversion) . Was h�ltst du von dem Song Thriller (Langversion) von Michael Jackson? Sag uns eines Meinung!
Lyrics to the Michael Jackson song, 'Thriller'. From the album 'Thriller'. Home of the most correct lyrics on the net.
The song Thriller from Michael Jackson's album of the same name was released on January 1, 1982. Songwriter: Rod Temperton It's close to michael jackson thriller song lyrics midnight and something evil's
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Michael Jackson Thriller lyrics have amazing beat and vocals. Performed by Michael Jackson, Thriller lyrics will give you a musical euphoria.
View Michael Jackson lyrics at the official website including lyrics from hit songs such as Thriller, Rock With You, I'll Be There, and more.
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