. Steinitz Washington has no intention of downsizing military aid to Israel, despite the drastic cuts in the US budget . 28 Hard Target Penetrators were delivered to Israel in 2009 .
The 2009 U.S. military budget accounts for approximately 40% of global arms spending. . United States military aid; United States Foreign Military Financing; Foreign Military Sales
US military aid to Israel for 2009: $2.55 billion . president George W. Bush submitted on Monday the thousand page 2009 fiscal year budget .
Politics Summaries U.S. Budget . U.S. Foreign Aid TOP RECIPIENT COUNTRIES: 2010: 2009 . Military Aid (FMF) 2,775: 2,550: 2,381: 2,340
2009: 2010: Military and Police Aid (est.) 249,005: 247,500: 197,760: Economic and Social Aid (est.) . There is more military aid in the Defense budget, however, so this is still a decidedly .
Dave Schechter CNN Senior National Editor Military aid is a . up an estimated 20 percent of Israel's defense budget). . February 2, 2009 at 6:30 pm |
. Defense Aid | U.S. Assistance to Israel (1949-2009) | Foreign Military . 1986), which are provided military aid budget 2009 through the Defense budget. . The
military aid budget 2009
Second 10-Year Plan: Proposed U.S. Military Aid to .
The Bush Administration's 2009 foreign aid budget request, issued in February, is here. . Economic-Social Aid: Other military-police appropriations (est) 126,638,053
In these days of economic crisis, budget overruns, earmarks, and multi-billion dollar bailouts, when Americans are being forced to tighten their own belts, one of the most .
. other Near Eastern countries receiving U.S. military aid, the budget . by U.S. taxpayers and given to the Israeli military between 2000 and 2009. Not only does U.S. military aid to .
State Department, Congressional Budget Presentation for FY 2008, pp. 555, 577, 580. l 42 l U.S. MILITARY AID TO CENTRAL ASIA, 1999
Although planning is currently underway, there are no costings yet, therefore there is
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